Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School has an open door philosophy where effective and regular communication between the school and home environment is at the heart of supporting each child.
Family-school partnerships are collaborative relationships, supporting students, parents and teachers. Effective partnerships are based on mutual trust and respect, and the shared responsibility for the education of the students who are enrolled at both of our campuses.
Research demonstrates that effective schools have high levels of parental and community involvement. This involvement is strongly related to improved student learning, attendance and behaviour. Family involvement can have a major impact on student learning.
Families and schools need to work together as partners in the education of the students. As part of our focus on collaborative community, we focus on developing a clear vision and direction for each of our campuses on Hammond Island and Thursday Island, as well as a clear vision for the transition of students from Year 6 to Secondary Education.
We can develop a clear vision through the following:
- School policies and procedure which explicitly state and clearly integrate the principles and practices of effective partnerships.
- Support networks, to enable school communities to share ideas, issues and best practice
- Accountability to the community, to report on successes and motivate improvement.
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart school vision is supported as a community partnership by seven key dimensions that both campuses will continue to strengthen:
- Communication
- Connecting learning at home and at school
- Building community and identity
- Recognising the significance of the role of the family
- Consultative decision making
- Collaboration beyond the school and
- Participation
The Parish Priest, Parents and Friends Association, Parents, families, students, local elders on Thursday Island and Hammond Island and wider community members are paramount to developing and strengthening positive partnerships between home and school environments.