The uniqueness and individuality of students and families is recognised and welcomed at OLSH. We support Church teaching and legislative requirements by through our commitment to foster a culture of compassion, faith, justice and inclusion.
School staff respond to the educational needs of all students; valuing their diversity, recognising their rights and providing equitable access to ensure students meet their educational needs within a supportive Christian community. The school works together with families and school community members to create unique pathways and options for students to support them in achieving goals.
The Enrolment Application and Support Procedures for Students requiring Significant Educational Adjustments helps our school to understand the learning needs of students with disabilities. This process establishes the support network (which includes parents, teachers, school leaders and student services representatives) who will share responsibility for achieving successful outcomes for each student.
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School has access to Catholic Education’s advisory teachers, speech language pathologists, psychologists, occupational therapists, learning support teachers, student counsellors and Indigenous education officers, and can also collaborate with a range of external agencies to enhance support of the individual needs of students. We are visited each term by these CES specialists and also access the skills of local services.
For more information, please see the Inclusive Practices Policy