School Uniform
The school uniform should be worn at all times. We realise that occasions will occur when this is not possible. A note of explanation should be forwarded to the student’s teacher.
Uniforms are available from the Office.
Unisex Uniform
- School polo shirt with the school logo
- Covered shoes or sandals to be worn at all times (Students are not allowed to wear thongs to schools)
- Navy shorts
Students are expected to wear a hat at all times when outside. We cannot over emphasise the importance of student’s wearing hats to prevent damage from the ultra-violet rays of the sun. No hat will result in no play and/or exclusion from outdoor activities.
House Colours
At Our Lady of the Sacred Heart School, we do not have specific sports shirts. Instead, students are encouraged to wear shirts in their designated house colours for sports carnivals. Embracing their house colours fosters a sense of belonging among students as they participate in sports, promoting a vibrant and inclusive sporting culture within our school community.
Floral Friday
Each Friday is Floral Friday. A floral shirt or dress can be worn.
No ornamental jewellery is to be worn. Only watches, necklaces of religious or ethnic significance and stud earrings or sleepers may be worn.
The school requires that hair is appropriately styled and tidy. All long hair is required to be tied back.